Improving Resilience of Health Workers

A working group to adapt an evidence-based resilience message program using human-centered design principles


About the Working Group

Join like-minded organizations passionate about building health worker resilience using locally adapted tools. Each participating organization can nominate between 1-3 team members to be a part of the working group.

Follow a human-centered design process to adapt the Resilience Message Program for your organization, which is designed to be delivered over six months. After appropriate localization and translation, the message program can be delivered to health workers’ mobile phones.

The resilience message program is a resource created by The Resilience Collaborative, an initiative of the Johnson & Johnson Center for Health Worker Innovation to advance learning and drive the adoption of evidence-based strategies for health worker resilience, particularly in low-resource settings. Dimagi is a participating partner of The Resilience Collaborative.

What you get

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Locally adapted health worker resilience program, based on the evidence-based message program. This can be used as a standalone initiative or embedded in a larger program

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Hands-on training in human-centered design from Dimagi experts. Learn as you go with guided field visits and shared experiences among working group participants

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Opportunity to add your locally adapted messages to a CommCare mobile application that can be used to deploy your health worker resilience program

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Potential funding opportunities to implement resilience message programs in the future

Expectations of Participating Teams

  • Attend six, 90 minute interactive group sessions over 3 months from February to April 2022. Session timings will be determined based on the time zones of selected participants. 
  • Complete activities between sessions. We estimate total work will be between 40 and 45 hours between all team members (or about 15 hours per month).
  • Access to a small number of health workers (e.g. 5-10) and permission to conduct field visits or hold focus groups.
  • Local language skills or access to a translator.
  • Support of your leadership/supervisor to participate in the working group.
  • Willingness to share learnings regularly from the field visits as part of the working group sessions and with the broader Resilience Collaborative at the end of the experience.
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Have questions? Write to us at resiliencewg@dimagi.com