Reimagining TB Treatment and Care: Putting People at the Center of Tech Innovation, with Jackie Huh

Episode 51  |  46 minutes

Tuberculosis ranks as the second most fatal infectious disease after COVID-19. It is a widespread contagion and pervasive public health emergency that requires patients to undergo intensive treatment regimes. The Stop TB Partnership is a hosted entity of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and a collective force that is transforming the fight against TB globally. In this episode, you'll hear from Jackie Huh, one of the initiators behind Stop TB's Reimagining TB Care initiative, on how it's addressing the intricate challenges of combating tuberculosis through a comprehensive 360-degree, people-centered approach. We are also joined by Dr. Kelly Collins, co-creator of SureAdhere’s VDOT.

Topics discussed: 

  • How Reimagining TB Care is addressing the complex challenges of combating tuberculosis
  • The importance of putting people at the center of technology innovations in the context of tuberculosis treatment and care
  • Notable advancements achieved so far, obstacles faced and how they are overcoming them
  • How SureAdhere is aligned to the evolving landscape of global healthcare, particularly in TB
  • The value of collaboration between organizers, governments, and providers with a shared vision

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